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About the association

What is it?

The mosparo Association is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland. It’s an association based on the Swiss Civil Code, Article 60, and the following.

The association is based in Mellingen, a town in Switzerland.

A drone picture of the medival old town of Mellingen, a town in Switzerland.
Mellingen by Freaktalius is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

What is the purpose?

The association’s purpose is to maintain, further develop, and provide general support for mosparo. mosparo is a modern spam protection for web forms, which is available for use free of charge as open source. It can be used by anyone (accessibility) and collects as little data as possible. The association is free to plan and organize other social events.

Why the association?

When we started the project to develop mosparo, we started it as two individuals. While we always had enough money to pay the bills for the project, there was still the question of who owned the domains, the servers, and other things. Additionally, we got asked if we accept donations or not. While we would like to accept donations, there is also the problem of handling donations and organizing everything regarding the taxes.

We discussed different options to organize the project’s future and found the solution for all the problems in the association’s founding. The reason for this is that the association is a legal person (like a company), does not pay taxes for membership fees and donations, and does not belong to anybody (not like a company).

What do we not plan to do?

The mosparo Association will not sell any service regarding using and running mosparo. It would be an option to sell products (like merchandise) or tickets for an event one day, but we have no plans for that right now.

Who is responsible?

The board of the association has two members (which is the minimum by Swiss law):

  • Marc Brühwiler, President and Treasurer
  • Matthias Zobrist, Secretary

Extending the board in the future is possible.

How do I become a member?

You can apply to become a member using the application form. The association board will decide about your application at an upcoming board meeting.

Membership types

The association has the following types of memberships:

  • Active member
    A regular member of the association. Active members can vote at the general meeting.
  • Service provider member
    A service provider member is a member who wants to offer a product related to mosparo. The service provider will be listed on the mosparo website. As active members, the service provider can vote at the general meeting.
  • Passive member
    A passive member supports the association but can not vote at the general meeting.
  • Patron member
    A patron member has a higher membership fee than a passive member but can not vote at the general meeting.
  • Honorary member
    The board of the association will define an honorary member. The member can vote at the general meeting.

Apply for Membership

You can apply for membership at any time. The association’s board will review your application at the next board meeting.

How to donate?

You can support the development of mosparo with a donation. You can donate to a specific project or the association in general.

Important: We are happy about every donation, but it is absolutely not necessary. The financing of servers, domains and other things for mosparo is secured for the next years.

Statutes and regulations

You can find all the statutes that define the association and the additional regulations for Service Provider members and Donations in the Downloads section.